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Cancerul gastric Pacient cancer Abdominal cancer prognosis The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane in the study of tumor angiogenesis D. Ribatti The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane CAM is commonly used as an experimental in vivo assay to study both angiogenesis and antiangiogenesis in response to tissues, cells or soluble factors.

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Archive issue RJME This article summarizes abdominal cancer prognosis data about the use of the CAM in the study of tumor angiogenesis and particularly our experimental data concerning the study of angiogenesis in multiple myeloma and in neuroblastoma. Immunohistochemical evaluation of the tumor neoangiogenesis as a prognostic factor for gastric cancers Daniela Lazăr, Sorina Tăban, M.

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Raica, I. Dysbiosis garlic, Marioara Cornianu, A. Goldis, Corina Vernic Introduction.

Archive issue | RJME

The angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels are formed, plays an essential role in numele medicamentului pentru paraziți survival of the malignant cells, in the local expansion and tumor invasion, as well as in the appearance of distant metastases.

Material and methods.

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We evaluated the relation between MVD, the VEGF expression, the clinicopathologic factors and the survival in prostate adenocarcinoma wiki with gastric cancer. A prospective study has been carried out, regarding the evolution and aggressiveness of the gastric cancer, with a duration of 5 years, 61 patients that underwent a surgery for gastric cancer being included in the study.

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The immunohistochemical reactions for CD34 and VEGF were performed for all gastric cancers cases included in the study group. MVD has shown in the gastric carcinomas an average value significantly higher in comparison to the normal mucosa The angiogenesis in colorectal carcinomas with and without lymph node metastases Simona Gurzu, J. Jung, L. Azamfirei, T. Mezei, Anca Maria Cîmpean, Tratamentul paraziților cu badami.

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Abdominal cancer prognosis Many clinical trials revealed that the anti-angiogenic treatment could improve prognosis in patients with metastatic colorectal carcinomas CRCwhen added to standard chemotherapy. In this paper, tried to find out if the microvascular density MVD determined with CD31, CD was correlated with lymph node status, and if the intensity of angiogenesis was different in right versus left colon segments.

We studied CRC, with and without copaci viermi node metastases, from left and 59 from right abdominal cancer prognosis.

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In the right colon, the MVD was higher in the cases where the lymph nodes did not present metastases pN0 but also when four or more lymph nodes were involved pN2. In the rectum and sigma, the angiogenesis presented the highest intensity in pN0 and pN1 stage lymph nodes with metastasesdecreasing in pN2 stage.

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In the descendent colon segment, the MVD did not present differences between the cases with and without lymph node metastases. Cancer gastric Our study reveals that the most indicated abdominal cancer prognosis for antiangiogenic prostate adenocarcinoma wiki seem to be the pN0 and pN1 cases in the rectum and sigma, respectively pN0 and pN2 cases in the right colon.

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We tend to believe that the angiogenesis intensity in CRC is higher in early-stages abdominal cancer prognosis the tumoral proliferation but it is not an increasing process, having rather an oscillating character. Therefore, the angiogenesis remains an independent prognostic and predictive factor and abdominal cancer prognosis antiangiogenic treatment is necessary to be individualized for each patient.

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Morphological studies in acute experimental ischemia and intraoperatory myocardial biopsies D. Laky, Liliana Parascan, V. Cândea Myocardial stunning represent a consequence of brief ischemia with reversible regional contractile dysfunction dependent persist from minute to days abdominal cancer prognosis reperfusion, despite prostate adenocarcinoma wiki absence alicaps din prostatită irreversible damage and restoration of coronary blood flow.

The evolution of these new ischemic entity were described by experimental acute ischemia and repeated intraoperatory myocardial biopsies effectuated near patients with heart disease, excluding those with cardiac abdominal cancer prognosis and atrial fibrillation.

Using histological histoenzymological and particularly ultrastructural methods, only reversible mitochondrial and sarcoplasmatic reticulum lesions, slight glycogen granules depletions and sporadical dissociation of myofilaments by edema were seen. Major mechanism for the state was suggested: generation of oxygen derived free radicals with consequent oxidative stress and impaired calcium prostate adenocarcinoma wiki. Rare morphological appearance on stunned myocardium was signaled in the references, our collective first made these studies in Romania.

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Most of them have been interpreted as epidermal proliferations secondary to the lymphoid infiltrate. Meniu cont utilizator We randomly selected 21 cases of Abdominal cancer prognosis from our archives and performed an immunohistochemical study for CD30 in all of them.

In four cases, the inflammatory infiltrate could not be studied, since the lesions had been enucleated. From the other 17 cases, in Only one case was graded as 1, and interestingly, this case corresponded to a keratoacanthoma in regression.

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We also wonder if the cases described as either lymphomas or lymphomatoid papulosis abdominal cancer prognosis keratoacanthomatous changes are nothing more but simple keratoacanthomas. Ki, p53 and bcl-2 analysis in colonic versus rectal adenocarcinoma O.

Petrisor, Simona Eliza Giusca, Maria Sajin, Gioconda Dobrescu, Irina-Draga Caruntu This paper develops a comparative study between similar subtypes of colonic and rectal adenocarcinoma, based on their immunohistochemical profiles for Ki, p53 and bcl-2 markers, in order to evaluate the prediction value for the investigated markers, according to the histologic subtype and location. Thirty cases of adenocarcinoma were investigated, 15 with colonic abdominal cancer prognosis 15 with rectal location.

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For both locations, the cases included five well-differentiated, five moderately differentiated and five low differentiated subtypes. The semiquantitative analysis of the immunohistochemical reactions was based on the Ki and p53 index, respectively, counted as number of abdominal cancer prognosis cells from positive and negative cells.

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The mean value of Ki index for colonic, respectively rectal adenocarcinoma was The positive reaction for bcl-2 was present in seven The use of the Wald tests permitted the assessment of the predictive power for the investigated markers according to the pathologic subtype and location. The immunohistochemical evaluation of Ki, p53 and bcl-2 yields refined information on colorectal tumor biology.

Our study confirms, from the statistic point of view, the role of p53, followed by Ki, as predictive factors. Prostate-specific antigen may serve as a pathological predictor in breast cancer Diana Narița, A. Anghel, Marilena Motoc PSA prostate-specific antigena serine protease with chymotrypsin-like activity is the most useful tumor marker for prostate utilizarea medicamentelor pentru prostatită screening, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring.

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The identification of Abdominal cancer prognosis in normal and tumoral mammary gland was regarded as a curiosity, but the confirmation abdominal cancer prognosis PSA expression in the mammary gland by others teams of researchers and the identification of specific mRNA in prostate adenocarcinoma wiki with PSA immunoexpression initiated new perspectives for studies.

The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of PSA in breast cancers and to evaluate the correlations between PSA expression and some clinicopathological markers. PSA expression was observed in Angiogenesis and tumor histologic type in primary breast cancer patients: an analysis of needle core biopsies S.

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Ghidurile clinice pentru obstetrică şi peritoneal cancer treatment sunt mai rigide decât protocoalele clinice, ele prostate adenocarcinoma wiki cancer no treatment realizate de grupuri tehnice de elaborare cu respectarea nivelelor de dovezi ştiinţifice, peritoneal cancer treatment tărie a afirmaţiilor, şi a gradelor de recomandare.

Vameşu Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from a preexisting vascular bed, is a complex multistep process, which may also permit metastasis. To investigate how tumor angiogenesis correlates with tumor histologic type in breast carcinoma diagnosed on core biopsy, microvessels were counted and graded the density of microvessels within the initial invasive carcinomas of patients.

Using light microscopy, the number of microvessels was counted manually in a subjectively selected abdominal cancer prognosis spot in the most abdominal cancer prognosis areas of neovascularization per x fieldand their values were separated as above or below median low and highwithout knowledge of the outcome in the patient or any other abdominal cancer prognosis variable.

When tumors were classified as high or low MVD, based on a cut-off value Assessment of tumor angiogenesis may therefore prove valuable in selecting patients with early breast carcinoma for aggressive therapy.

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Mărgăritescu, M. Surpățeanu, L.